昆明市 曲靖市 玉溪市 保山市 昭通市 丽江市 普洱市 临沧市 楚雄州 红河州 文山州 西双版纳州 大理州 德宏州 怒江州 迪庆州


发布时间:2023-07-27 16:12:35来源:admin

1.--Have you ever seen Peter recently?

--Yes. He ________ me to ask you how you ___________along with your new job these days.

A. has asked; have been getting B. asked; were getting

C. often asks; are getting D. asked; are getting

2. The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see___________ the next year

A. carry out B. carrying out

C. carried out D. to carry out

3. --I'll help you whenever you need me,--I would love____________.

A. you helping B. that you'll help

C. you to help D. that you help

4. I hope____________ the job she's applied for(申请).

A. she's going to get B. she'll get

C. she is to get D. she decides to get


5. Mrs. Green wants to buy that kind of cloth because she___________ that the cloth__________ very well.

A. has been told; washes B. is told; is washed

C. has been told; is washed D. is told; is washed

6. Let us not waste____________ time we have left.

A. the little B. little C. a little D. a little more

7. I think the doctor is able to cure of___________.

A. all B. what C. whatever D. anything

8. __________, we'll come to see you again.

A. If time will permit B. Time permits

C. Time permitting D. Time permitted

9. --Nancy is not coming tonight. --But she __________!

A. promises B. promised

C. will promise D. had promised

10.__________ some medals came to live in the sea is not known.

A. Which B. Since C. Although D. How

11. --Paul, I'd like to have a talk with you at tea break.

-- __________ Have what with me?

A. Yes, please. B. Sorry? C. Thanks. D. You're welcome.

12. If you ____________ stop smoking, you can only expect to have a bad cough.

A. won’t B. would not C. do not D. can not

13. He's unlucky, and he's always suffering____________ luck one after another.

A. a sick B. an ill C. sick D. ill

14. The news about the terrible flood there greatly discouraged __________ there for sightseeing.

A. us from going B. us to go C. our going D. our to go

15. If I had__________, I’d visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places.

A. a long enough holiday B an enough long holiday

C. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough
